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10 Signs of Parkinson's Disease

10 Signs of Parkinson's Disease - Parkinson's disease occurs when nerve cells in the brain that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine begin to die. Important to know the early signs of this disease, because people often do not realize they did not have Parkinson's, and before I know the disease has progressed. "When you experience symptoms of primary Parkinson's disease, such as tremor and stiffness, you've lost 40 to 50 percent of your production of dopamine neurons. Starting early treatment allows you to maintain a large loss," Rezak said.

10 Signs of Parkinson's Disease, 10 Tanda Awal Penyakit Parkinson, 10帕金森氏病的症状, 10 Los signos de la enfermedad de Parkinson, 10-Zeichen der Parkinson-Krankheit, 10 признаков болезни Паркинсона

Here are 10 signs of early Parkinson's disease:

1. Loss of sense of smell

Loss of smell is often followed by loss of feeling. Dopamine is a chemical that carries signals between the brain and muscles and nerves throughout the body. Such as dopamine-producing cells die, the sense of smell becomes impaired, and such messages are not up to the smell cues.
"Patients said they were at a party and everyone commented on how strong perfumes one woman, and she can not smell it," said Rezak.

2. Difficulty sleeping

Neurologists remain alert to the condition of sleep known as rapid-rapid eye movement behavior disorder (RBD). People with RBD may be screaming, kicking. They can even attack their sleeping partner. As many as 40 percent of people with RBD eventually develop Parkinson's at least 10 years later, said, Rezak.

Two other sleep problems commonly associated with Parkinson's is restless legs syndrome (tingling or fig flavor puncture in the leg and the feeling that you have to move them) and suddenly stop breathing momentarily during sleep (sleep apnea).

Not all patients with this condition have Parkinson's, of course, but a large number of Parkinson's patients - up to 40 percent in the case of sleep apnea - have this condition.

3. Constipation and urinary problems

One of the most common early signs of Parkinson's - and most ignored, because there are many possible causes - is constipation and farting. This is the result of Parkinson's disease begin to affect the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the activity of smooth muscle that works like the stomach and bladder. Bowel and bladder may become less sensitive and slow down the entire digestive process.

One way to recognize the difference between ordinary constipation and constipation caused by Parkinson's is that the latter is often accompanied by feelings of fullness, even after eating very little.

4. Lack of facial expression

Loss of dopamine can affect the facial muscles, making them stiff and slow and the resulting lack of expression characteristics. "Some people call it a rock face or the face of poker," said Pam Santamaria neurologist, Parkinson's expert at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

5. Pain in the neck

These signs are very common among women, after complaining of tremor and rigidity. This nature of neck pain continues, do not like the ordinary muscle cramps disappear after one or two days. In some people, appear numbness and tingling.

6. Slow when writing

One of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, known as bradykinesia, were slowing and loss of spontaneous movement and routine. Handwriting is one of the most common place for the lye bradykinesia.

Wash and dress are also used to mark a bradykinesia appear. Someone may take a long time to dress up or deal with zippers and other fasteners.

7. Inflexion

The voice began to change, often becomes much softer and more monotonous. This is a sign that is often forgotten that doctors diagnose someone with this disease. Facial muscles are stiff making it more difficult to say something obvious. "Some patients begin to have difficulty opening their mouths," said Rezak.

8. The arm does not swing free

The arm can not be stretched freely, so as to achieve the highest vase on the shelf will have trouble. It could also, one arm swinging is not free like the other arm.

9. Excessive Sweating

When Parkinson's affects the autonomic nervous system, it loses its ability to regulate the body, which can cause changes in the skin and sweat glands. Some people find themselves sweating uncontrollably when there is no obvious reason, such as heat or anxiety. For a woman, this attack fled to the symptoms of menopause. The official term for this phenomenon is hyperhidrosis.

10. Changes in mood and personality

Experts are not sure why, but there are a variety of related personality changes that come with Parkinson's, including the pronounced anxiety in new situations, social withdrawal, and depression. Some research suggests that depression, a person who had not experienced it, is the first sign of Parkinson's disease in most patients.
10 Signs of Parkinson's Disease Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: lexavega