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What is Ebola Virus | History | Wiki Definition Disease Images


What is Ebola Virus - Ebola disease is a disease that is transmitted through the transmission of the virus Ebolavirus. The disease is named for the Ebola disease was first found in the Ebola River, Congo.

And the carrier of the Ebola virus is Patrick Sawyer, who fell upon arrival at Lagos airport on 25 July and then died.

The victim died of Ebola virus according to Health Minister Onyebuchi Chukwu said Nigeria all people who suffer from diseases that used to hold the previous contact with Patrick Sawyer.

Patrick Sawyer and Wife
A nurse who treated Sawyer without knowing what disease suffered Liberian man also died.

As the death toll from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has now reached 1013 people. While the number of these cases rose to 1848 patients, "the WHO statement in its website.

And Ebola cases found only in three countries in West Africa, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. This case was first found in Conakry, capital of Guinea.

So Ebola disease spread disease / virus to humans through direct contact with animals that have been infected with this virus, such as chimpanzee, a bat, or a forest antelope. Then the virus will enter through the blood vessels. Amazingly, within which are contaminated with the virus can directly enter your body. Even funeral Ebola victims can be very risky, especially if mourners have direct contact with the body of the victim was already dead.

According to the World Health Organization or WHO, the incubation time of the virus can last from 2 days to 3 weeks with a difficult diagnosis. Some of the symptoms of Ebola that can be felt are fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, and loss of appetite. In addition some patients may experience a rash, red eyes, cough, hiccups do not stop, sore throat, chest pain, difficulty breathing and swallowing, as well as bleeding inside and outside the body. Compared with other viruses, life expectancy for people with Ebola is 0%. Because the virus is able to undermine your body's defenses quickly.

As reported by the bbc.co.uk, the spread of this virus is also fueled by the close culture or African culture. The population of Africa is not free to do physical contact with Ebola patients because empathy. Up like a domino effect, the disease was easily spread.

It sounded terrible disease and unfortunately to date no clear remedy to cure the disease Ebola. However, WHO recommends that you avoid all forms of physical contact with Ebola patients. Also do not touch any object that could be contaminated virus in public places. If you are close to a contaminated area of Ebola virus and Ebola patients, always use gloves and protective equipment such as masks. Do not forget also to always wash your hands well and carefully.

In addition, the WHO also warned that you avoid consuming raw meat, especially from animals that allegedly could spread the virus.

What is Ebola Virus | History | Wiki Definition Disease Images Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown